1975 Grant from the Quebec Ministry of Cultural Affairs for Research and Production of my first book: Frayère.

1976 Canada council short-term grant to study in Strasbourg the private collection of prints of Robert Stéhelin.

1978 Grant from the Quebec Ministry of Cultural Affairs for Research and Production of my second book : Le Prince et la ténèbre.

1979 Award for Printmaking & Drawing in Quebec Provincial Competition.

1982 Grant from Quebec Ministry of Cultural Affairs for Research and Production of my book: Aléa.

1989 Canada Council Grant toward the publication of A Thousand Hooded Eyes.

1998 Second prize for the publication of Air, awarded by 16th annual Alcuin Society’s Citation Competition, Vancouver.

1999 Honorable mention for the ceramic sculpture « Child Within », Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, BC.

2001 Travel grant awarded through the Canada Council by Le Partenariat Interministériel avec les Communautés de Langue officielle du Ministère Patrimoine Canadien.



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